As much as they are great grandparents, I want to share with you one set of of my grandparents. They are such amazing people, such godly people. They raised their kids to know and love the Lord (who intern raised me that way). They were wonderful when I was sick at school and needed to be picked up, wonderful...loving people!
I dont remember this but I have been told this story many times that my cousin and I (we were close to Emily's age) were at my grandparents house and they had a laundry shoot in their bathroom. We took wet towels and one by one started throwing these towels down the shoot. Little did we realize at that time what a huge mess we made for them to clean up in the basement!
I also remember my grandpa would always make popcorn balls and rootbeer floats when I would stay the night and for breakfast my grandma would always make toast with cinnamon and sugar on it. My grandma ALWAYS had fresh baked cookies in her cupboard and EVERYONE knew where to go to get them. There always seemed to be two different kind when we would be there.
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My Grandpa and Grandma Valade ~ Christmas 1984 |
I remember my grandmas baked chicken she used to make and her stuffing at Thanksgiving. Something about those two things, I miss them dearly! My grandma used to make black currant jam too and one day I went over there to help her make it. It was so amazing watching her in the kitchen ~ which, by the way, was big enough for only a few people at a time! When she would make things there was no just dump things in. A little of that, a little of this.
I loved when I got my drivers license because my grandma didnt drive. After my grandpa passed away she needed people to take her to the bank, the grocery store or any other place she was in need of going. I remember going and picking her up and taking her to Taco Bell ~ she loved Taco Bell! She always got the hard tacos!
When my grandma passed away, I was there with her. Some people think this may have been a tragic experience but it wasnt. All the family that was at the house came in her room and we all stood around her bedside. She looked around at everyone and when my aunt got there (from Canada) she knelt down beside her bed. We then began singing "Amazing Grace". I remember it like it was yesterday because I left feeling like I had just seen the face of Jesus via my grandmother. Watching her and then seeing her eyes look up to the corner of the ceiling with the most peaceful, happiest smile I have ever seen on her face and realizing that she just met her Savior face to face!
I miss both of them dearly! I found some things I had of theirs when I was purging some things and I sat and cried....remembering the memories, holding my grandpas fishing hat he always wore or my grandmas watch that was on her wrist every day. I cried because i wish so badly they could see how I have grown, see how happy my husband and I are, to see my kids and to know they are praying for my Emily. I know I will see them again when I get to Heaven. I know they will be standing there waiting to see me again.
One of the greatest memories I have though is every morning my grandpa would sit in his Lazy-boy, drinking his tea and reading his Bible. What a great example.
~~Grandma, I love you lots & lots more~~