The question of the day is this: Are stay-at-home moms lazy? This was a discussion on the show "Anderson" a few weeks ago. I didnt know if I should really sit down and watch it or not. Being a SAHM (stay-at-home mom), it may have been a real reality check for me. If you were to ask any working person, I am sure to some degree they would all answer "yes". I mean seriously, Bryan would probably agree as well ~ half way being serious and half way not (at least I would hope)!
I admit staying at home, I do have my "lazy days". The days when everything seems like such a chore to do and no motivation whatsoever. I feel everyone is entitled to those days (umm...Saturdays)! But, I also feel I do - do alot around here, I just never see a real paycheck. ok, ok, some of you may say I do get paid because Bryan brings home a check ~ YES, i do get paid that way, but I do not bring home a paycheck to HELP contribute to the household bills.
I worked full time since I was 18. I worked full time during my pregnancy with Austin and after I had him ~ 6 weeks later, I was back working full time. When I was pregnant with Emily, again, I worked full time during the entire pregnancy. After I had her though, I quit. When she was three months old, I went back to work (for the same company) but closer to home and part time.
I did enjoy working and to some degree I do miss it (shhh! dont tell Bryan)! I do miss the feeling of contributing to the household bills, I do miss feeling "important" as an office manager, I do miss having conversations with adults every day BUT I also dont miss the expense for work clothes, gas, and now I would have the expense of child care. I dont miss having employees literally yelling at me because something was messed up in their paycheck, because something was done differently, because something wasnt done that could wait until the next week! I dont miss seeing mouse poop around in a storage area either! I dont miss the pressure of making sure my week was finished early so my boss could sign off on things and then me getting blamed because he didnt sign off and fax the info. in on time. I dont miss quickly making dinner for my family before leaving for work (i worked afternoons) and not eating dinner with them. I dont miss hearing how Bryan and the kids went and did somethings and I always felt I missed out on them. I dont miss all that stuff for one minute! My time now, is spent as having, in my opinion, the most important job ~ a full time mom!
When I worked full time, my nights were spent coming up with something for dinner on my 30-60 minute drive home (depending on the company i was working for at the time), or deciding where we were going to eat out at (we dont eat out as much now as when I was working full time). My days off or weekends were spent cleaning the house or grocery shopping. My family time was limited. I feel not working, I can get most of that stuff done during the day (even if it takes me 3 hours with Ben when I go grocery shopping)! We save money by not having day care or me buying work clothes! I am able to go on field trips with Emily or take Ben to pre-school (in september, tear...tear)! I am able to do these things that I wasnt able to do with Austin or at least not as much with him! I would have a hard time working though and constantly asking for time off for doctor appoints with Emily or dentist appoints with the kids. The Lord has blessed us so that when I was laid off in 2007, I havent gone back to work. I feel blessed that we are making it and that I am able to be there for Emily when she gets home from school, that I can be there for all of Ben's "firsts" in his life, that I can be a hands on mom every minute.
I give so much credit to all the working moms! I know how hard it is! I have been there and I have done that. Do I feel stay-at-home moms are lazy? NO!
I think that old tv show "Married with Children" and the mom on the show "Peg Bundy" gave all SAHM's a bad name! She stayed home, watched her soaps, sat on the sofa and ate Bon-bons! I watch one show in the mornings (sometimes) and thats a show that I dvr'd from the night before and then there is no tv for me (a show I would watch) until around 8 or 9 at night! My kids and Bryan are my priority and the fact that I have been given such an amazing gift to be a SAHM ~ it is something I try not to take for granted or lightly!
SAHM's really arent as lazy as what they are made out to be! I do feel this is obviously a matter of opinion and since I have been on both sides of the fence ~ I honestly love this side better!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Who is your idol?
When "American Idol" first came out, I would sit down and watch it with the kids. I think we all thought it was funny some of the people that auditioned for the judges ~ obviously it makes it good tv or they wouldnt have lasted this long! I must say though, as the seasons go on, the thrill of watching the show has worn off. It hasnt made it to the "DVR priority" list of my "tv land". The first few years it was fun, interesting and surprising at how well some of these kids could sing. But think about it ~ its called "American IDOL". What does that word mean to you? To me, it means it takes priority in your life, it is meant to be worshiped and looked up to. But isnt that what we are suppose to do to God? I mean are we suppose to worship Him or idol's? the Bible clearly states that we are NOT to have any other gods.
Dont we all, to some degree, have other gods? I mean we may not pray to them or praise them but if we allow things to consume our lives where the Lord is being pushed out, isnt that other gods? I admit that sometimes instead of doing my devotions during the day I have sat down to read a book. Even though the book is by a christian author....I am still putting the book before Gods Book!
My alarm went off and the song that was playing on it was "He wants it all today" by Forever Jones and it speaks about letting go of your idols and giving it all to Him. Your life, your heart, your everything! I feel so blessed to have a christian husband and to be going to a church that preaches the gospel (heaven AND hell), I feel so blessed to know that two of my kids have asked Jesus in their heart and HE has saved them. I look forward to the day when Benjamin is old enough to understand the plan of salvation and he, too, makes the incredible decision to spend eternity in heaven!
Maybe today re-examine your life and see what idols you have in place. Is it the tv? a book? food? is it shopping? Or is the Idol you have the only Idol you will ever need?
I have attached the song and I hope you enjoy it.
Dont we all, to some degree, have other gods? I mean we may not pray to them or praise them but if we allow things to consume our lives where the Lord is being pushed out, isnt that other gods? I admit that sometimes instead of doing my devotions during the day I have sat down to read a book. Even though the book is by a christian author....I am still putting the book before Gods Book!
My alarm went off and the song that was playing on it was "He wants it all today" by Forever Jones and it speaks about letting go of your idols and giving it all to Him. Your life, your heart, your everything! I feel so blessed to have a christian husband and to be going to a church that preaches the gospel (heaven AND hell), I feel so blessed to know that two of my kids have asked Jesus in their heart and HE has saved them. I look forward to the day when Benjamin is old enough to understand the plan of salvation and he, too, makes the incredible decision to spend eternity in heaven!
Maybe today re-examine your life and see what idols you have in place. Is it the tv? a book? food? is it shopping? Or is the Idol you have the only Idol you will ever need?
I have attached the song and I hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Emily's giving heart
Emily has such a giving heart. It amazes me everything she has had to deal with how she can be just so happy. It amazes me how she is always thinking of others.
Almost on a daily basis she gets in the car after school and looks at Ben and says "I have something for you". She is always drawing him pictures (me too!) at school and bringing them home for him.
Another area where she just simply amazes me is when she goes to the doctor. She could have just been poked in the hand for labs and the entire time they are taking her blood she is checking out the sticker stash they have on the wall! As soon as she is done and they put the bandage on her hand, she cant get up quick enough asking for a sucker and then points to the wall and says "I want those stickers for me, and I want those stickers for my brother"! When she goes to her regular Pediatrician she will ask for stickers and suckers when she is leaving and gives them to Ben when she gets home. She is ALWAYS thinking of others ~ she is always giving even in her time of a somewhat painful experience of giving labs!
I am sure we were all that way at one point in time. I am sure we are all still that way to some degree even now. But doesnt it seem like the way the world is now, we are almost conditioned to have the mentality of "every man for himself"? How sad is that. We should all learn from Emily and give.
There are so many people out there that dont have as much as we have. There are so many people that are in need ~ no matter if its physically needing clothing or food or just as simple as needing a hug, a smile or a "Hi" or maybe even a simple sticker. Doesn't it say in the Bible that it is better to give then receive?
We donate to a food bank that our church supports (Fish and Loaves). Let me just tell you ~ it really is better to give! When I go there to give them diapers and wipes, when I leave, there is just an overwhelming feeling of joy that I feel. I am not telling you this to brag but I am telling you this that it really does so much good ~ not just for those in need ~ but also for my own soul to give. I am overwhelmed with such joy in being able to do this.
Take some time today and find a way to just give and give with your whole heart! It maybe as simple as what Emily does by drawing a picture, giving a sticker or sucker or it could be bigger and donating something to a food bank or local charity. What might be as easy as donating diapers or wipes...may not be as easy as giving of your time. Do something today! Maybe pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru. Whatever it is, you will be blessed. You wont be able to get the smile off your face, your heart will be jumping for joy to know you helped someone today.
It really is better to give then to receive!
Almost on a daily basis she gets in the car after school and looks at Ben and says "I have something for you". She is always drawing him pictures (me too!) at school and bringing them home for him.
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1/24/12 ~ for Ben |
Another area where she just simply amazes me is when she goes to the doctor. She could have just been poked in the hand for labs and the entire time they are taking her blood she is checking out the sticker stash they have on the wall! As soon as she is done and they put the bandage on her hand, she cant get up quick enough asking for a sucker and then points to the wall and says "I want those stickers for me, and I want those stickers for my brother"! When she goes to her regular Pediatrician she will ask for stickers and suckers when she is leaving and gives them to Ben when she gets home. She is ALWAYS thinking of others ~ she is always giving even in her time of a somewhat painful experience of giving labs!
I am sure we were all that way at one point in time. I am sure we are all still that way to some degree even now. But doesnt it seem like the way the world is now, we are almost conditioned to have the mentality of "every man for himself"? How sad is that. We should all learn from Emily and give.
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1/24/12 |
There are so many people out there that dont have as much as we have. There are so many people that are in need ~ no matter if its physically needing clothing or food or just as simple as needing a hug, a smile or a "Hi" or maybe even a simple sticker. Doesn't it say in the Bible that it is better to give then receive?
We donate to a food bank that our church supports (Fish and Loaves). Let me just tell you ~ it really is better to give! When I go there to give them diapers and wipes, when I leave, there is just an overwhelming feeling of joy that I feel. I am not telling you this to brag but I am telling you this that it really does so much good ~ not just for those in need ~ but also for my own soul to give. I am overwhelmed with such joy in being able to do this.
Take some time today and find a way to just give and give with your whole heart! It maybe as simple as what Emily does by drawing a picture, giving a sticker or sucker or it could be bigger and donating something to a food bank or local charity. What might be as easy as donating diapers or wipes...may not be as easy as giving of your time. Do something today! Maybe pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru. Whatever it is, you will be blessed. You wont be able to get the smile off your face, your heart will be jumping for joy to know you helped someone today.
It really is better to give then to receive!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Its a new week!
It's a new week! After spending last week "purging" a few closets and the books shelf and my "secret" stash of books, I realized a few things ~ 1. we have way too much "stuff" and I have a huge list of other areas to start purging, 2. I didnt blog at all last week and 3. my addiction to buying books slapped me in the face! There is no more denying that one anymore!
But as we start a new week its like getting a second, a third, a 52nd chance at starting over. Make good on the list we didnt complete off the "honey do list", start over on that diet we just cant seem to stick too, start over that exercise program, start over ....
It amazes me though at how fast the days, the week goes by. We have this routine here...Mondays for me is my "break" where its just Ben and I and we tend to relax a little bit more on Monday mornings and it hits me that Awana is just in a couple days and I need to start helping Emily with her verses! Tuesday is usually the day for grocery shopping or our trip to Target (!!!!), Wednesdays I am freaking out now because the week is half over, Emily has Awana and I still have a huge list to accomplish for the week and by Thursday well, it feels like giving up on the list since now the week is almost over! Friday well....that is laundry day. The dreaded laundry. I dont mind washing the clothes or even folding them but for some reason I just detest putting the clothes away. Crazy, I know! Than Saturdays...Saturdays is when I realize we will be starting the whole thing over again, Saturday is when I realize after Emily has taken her night medicine that I need to go and refill her medicine for her for the week. The realization that what was meant to be accomplished hasnt been and that a new week is starting.....again!
When I think of how easily our schedule can change from day to day ~ some things expected (like a dentist appointment) and other things unexpected (like the day I had to call 911), the only thing that never changes is God! This reminds me of a song by Heather Williams called "God is still God". In an ever changing world it is awesome to know that God is still God. He doesnt change, He is always there and always will be! He is the one thing that is for certain from day to day, week to week, year to year. He is the one thing that we can be assured of and that adds such peace to my life, in my crazy changing life.
But as we start a new week its like getting a second, a third, a 52nd chance at starting over. Make good on the list we didnt complete off the "honey do list", start over on that diet we just cant seem to stick too, start over that exercise program, start over ....
It amazes me though at how fast the days, the week goes by. We have this routine here...Mondays for me is my "break" where its just Ben and I and we tend to relax a little bit more on Monday mornings and it hits me that Awana is just in a couple days and I need to start helping Emily with her verses! Tuesday is usually the day for grocery shopping or our trip to Target (!!!!), Wednesdays I am freaking out now because the week is half over, Emily has Awana and I still have a huge list to accomplish for the week and by Thursday well, it feels like giving up on the list since now the week is almost over! Friday well....that is laundry day. The dreaded laundry. I dont mind washing the clothes or even folding them but for some reason I just detest putting the clothes away. Crazy, I know! Than Saturdays...Saturdays is when I realize we will be starting the whole thing over again, Saturday is when I realize after Emily has taken her night medicine that I need to go and refill her medicine for her for the week. The realization that what was meant to be accomplished hasnt been and that a new week is starting.....again!
This is Emily's medicine she takes daily each morning. There are 8 pills for each morning. |
This is her medicine she takes each night. The two bigger ones is her Chemo that she takes in the morning too. |
When I think of how easily our schedule can change from day to day ~ some things expected (like a dentist appointment) and other things unexpected (like the day I had to call 911), the only thing that never changes is God! This reminds me of a song by Heather Williams called "God is still God". In an ever changing world it is awesome to know that God is still God. He doesnt change, He is always there and always will be! He is the one thing that is for certain from day to day, week to week, year to year. He is the one thing that we can be assured of and that adds such peace to my life, in my crazy changing life.
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