We all need a helping hand from time to time. Sometimes its easier to sit back and say "I can handle it" when deep down inside we wish someone would come in and could read our mind. That seems scary in a way ~ someone reading our mind! I say all the time that "I have it" or "I will do it"...even if it means making myself feel even more overwhelmed then what I may already be.
Our silly Benjamin |
Benjamins birthday is exactly 1 month from today. He will be 4 then. Goodness how fast time flies! Anyway, I have started to really plan his birthday. All the fun ideas I am getting (thanks Pinterest) to make this a special time for him. Having a birthday close to Christmas, I dont want him to ever feel like he is "forgotten" or that his birthday is overlooked or just mixed in with Christmas. I want him to feel special and to always do something special. My birthday is December 23rd - so him and I will always have something in common with a birthday that close to Christmas. Ok, so I started to ramble ~ his theme is Pirates! He is crazy about pirates for some reason! I have been looking for the "gold coins" - you know, the ones that are chocolate ~ every time we go to a store now. I can never find them. I think Emily started getting a little annoyed because recently it has become a mission of mine to find these. Today we stopped at Meijers so I could return something. After allowing the kids to look in the toys and beg for things for awhile, we started to leave. As we were getting closer to the door, Ben saw a dollar section that had Christmas things. I allowed them to stop and look. All of a sudden I hear "MOM!" As I turn to look, I see Emily holding up a little bag of these golden coins! She said "I found them!". It was so neat to see her getting so excited about this. I know it was her way of also feeling like she has had something special to do to be involved in his party planning! I thanked her and we hurried and grabbed a bunch of the little bags!
Brooklyn - 5 months old |
To change gears a little, I love my scrapbooking! It seems though I havent really scrapbooked for my kids since Emily was sick in 2007. It pains me to think I have 5 years of catching up to do! Poor Benjamin, he doesnt even have a book yet (although I do have a book ready to start for him)! For me, as much as I love it, it is very time consuming! I need alot of patience, time by myself, quiet time so I can think and get my ideas in order. I havent really had that over the last few years and especially over the last few months with us getting a dog in July!
Her ear ring |
a necklace I made for me |
What I have found though, is I have started making necklaces! I love it too! What I love most though, I can sit at the table, still be with the kids, interact with them and still be able to do something I am enjoying! After I finished a couple of them, Emily asked me to make one for her. After I did that, she then asked for matching ear rings! She asked if she could help. I told her no...mostly because maybe I was being selfish and wanted to do something where it was "just me" or to have "just my time", but also because I knew it would take time to sit and help her with it. So instead ~ we made Christmas ornaments. This project was good because her and Ben could both help and their helping hands made the ornaments that much more special. I love it because we are keeping one for our tree but are also going to give them to their teachers for gifts! Gifts that
THEY were able to help with and has made it that much more special!
"Santa's" belt is almost done |
I needed Emily and Bens helping hands in making the ornaments. I needed their hands to make them extra special. Sure I could have done it myself and it would have meant something but I feel like because they got involved, were wanting to do it and make them, because they were excited about doing it and it was special for them....it made it all worth while!
Sometimes, it seems like we are this way with God. We sit back and tell Him "I can handle it" and deep down you (and HE) knows you cant. He knows you need Him and so do you but you allow your pride or selfishness to get involved. Trust me, I have done this. There have been times when I have said..."I've got this" and I know deep down I dont. I cant do it by myself. I
NEED Him. Its awesome to know He always has my back. He will always be there with His helping hand open and ready! Will you grab it? Will you hold on and accept His help?