This is not my least that is what I try to remember, especially on days that just seem like it takes forever to get over! I can rest assure that one day I will be home to my home in Heaven! Did you know I am a Princess? I am a child of the King and one day I will show you my amazing home when HE is finished preparing it for me to live in forever!
Isnt that a little nice to think about? To know the bad days here on earth are just that...bad days that come to an end and one day we will never have another bad day again! On days that Ben is just screaming at the top of his lungs because he isnt getting what he wants or Emily is having an emotional melt down about something else. Better yet, both of them at the same time! I need to remember to take a step back and remember one day, this will be over because there will be no fighting, melt downs, emotional roller coasters and screaming in Heaven. The beautiful sounds of the angels singing is what I wait to hear!
Last week, while eating dinner out, I took Emily's Awana book with us so she could practice her versus for the next night (by the way, she said 6 of them last week!). Since she is wanting to badly to finish her 3rd book this year in the next 5 weeks (when Awana ends), we have been kind of jumping around a little. Doing the little things that she can do now and concentrate on the bigger versus she needs to say. While we were looking at the things she could do now, one of them was for her to draw a picture of the wonderful City we will live in one day. Around the "frame" on the page there was different things describing what Heaven will be like. One of the things on the frame was something like "no more sickness". Emily looked up to me and I told her that means when we die and go to Heaven ~ YOU wont have to take any more medicine, YOU will be healed and wont be sick anymore. Her excitement just knowing that and the smile on her face lite the entire room up. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about that moment that time stopped and she knew she wasnt sick anymore and didnt have to take all the medication.
Its awesome to think that we wont be sick when we leave this place. Its wonderful to think that we will see our loved ones that have already gone to see their prepared place in that beautiful city. Its awesome to think that a bad day here on earth will be forgotten about forever one day - when we all get to Heaven!
There is this song that I am attaching for the song it says "take this world and give me Jesus" ~ I hope that this is what your heart is singing today! This world is not where I belong and I long to see my King with arms open wide welcoming me to the house HE has prepared for me in that City!