Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus
This is just such a powerful verse to me...especially after the morning service on Sunday. I must first say that our choir was simply amazing with the song they sang and then the soloist made it a Sunday we wouldn't forget. I thought there was nothing that could make the service better. I mean it was already such a huge blessing. Well, our Pastor...he topped it off! This is the passage that his message came from. I am so thankful to be going to a Bible preaching/teaching church!
I have sat in countless services. As a young person, I must admit, that I never really paid attention. At least not like should. As an adult, I paid attention but still my mind tended to wonder. It seems to me, that maybe I just wasnt feeling "fed". What I mean by that is ~ I loved our previous church. I went there my entire life. We opted to change churches about 4 1/2 years ago. The church we are members of now ~ Amazing! When I say how much I love my church...its honestly an understatement! I feel fed when I am there. I take notes now. I just feel blessed. Now I will also admit that while I am paying attention to the service, my mind has sometimes wondered and thought, "Gosh so-and-so should be here for this one....THEY need it!" What I have learned to say is - "I am so thankful I am here because I NEED it"! This past Sunday was no exception! Our Pastors sermon on this one verse made me see it in a different way.
Every situation in our lives we need to be giving thanks IN the situation. I walked away thinking about our life with Emily's health. Sure I thanked Him for healing her so she could leave the hospital, get off some medication. But while the service was going on I felt the real question ~ did I thank him IN the situation. Was I a thankful person during her ICU stay? I realized that this verse was not saying be thankful for the situation you are in but just be thankful IN everything. I dont have to be thankful that Emily has HLH but I can still be thankful to Him!
Our Pastor gave a really good example of someone that could have allowed her life to go in a different direction if she hadnt leaned on Him. Fanny Crosby, who was blind since approximately 6 weeks old, held no bitter feelings to God for her becoming blind at such a young age. Instead, she went on to serve Him and write many, many of the hymns we now sing in church. Fanny once said
"Mother, if I had a choice, I would still choose to remain blind ... for when I die; the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Saviour". How awesome is this?! Honestly, would we share the same feelings as her? This is a true example of giving thanks IN a situation instead of allowing the situation to just ruin us! There is a great site that shares the biography about her, how she became blind and the amazing Grandmother she had that taught her about the love of Jesus Christ! Fanny is a true example of "giving thanks IN every circumstance". She inspires me to do better in remembering this. This is Gods will for my life and therefore, just be thankful in everything.
I found this song that Chris Tomlin sings "All the Way My Savior Leads Me". This is one of the songs that Fanny wrote. Take a few minutes to really listen to the words....maybe really listen to them for the first time. What I mean by that is, many times we will sing a song in church but maybe not pay attention to the words or let them really sink in of what the meaning is. Sometimes when we sit down to really listen to the words of a song its almost like we are hearing it for the first time. Let today be the day that you hear this song for the first time!
Thanksgiving is coming in a few days and my desire is to make sure I am giving thanks in every situation, even when its not Thanksgiving. Be thankful IN every situation because this is God's will for your life. Emily goes back to see her doctor at the hospital next week and I will be thankful in that visit. Every time we go, its a reminder (amongst the daily reminders) that she is sick....this time though I will be going with a different feeling!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and just be thankful....
IN everything!
Here is the link if you want to read the biography of Fanny Crosby: