
Friday, March 2, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!

The cat is now out of the bag ~ besides reading and scrapbooking (which I havent done in a long while) - one of my favorite shows is The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

I honestly have no idea why I enjoy the show so much.  To be honest, i dont care for the other housewives show  ~ so why this one? Maybe the "idea" of Beverly Hills (in California...not Michigan...not the same!) The "rich and famous", everyone knows "somebody".  I dont know...I just cant put my finger on it.  

What I do know though is how amazing their houses are.  How amazing they all dress.  How it must be nice that they are all  skinny and have chef's!  That they can just host a dinner party and its amazing!  How they are invited to the most elaborate of events or can just fly to Hawaii when they want.  Money does buy alot of things!

After watching it now the two seasons, what I have learned is this:  money CANT buy everything.  Money does NOT make you happy.  Going to incredible parties or hanging out with famous people does NOT change who you are...maybe who you know, but not who you are.  This past season was a hard one.  As many of you may know that Russell Armstrong died last summer ~ who was a husband of Taylor Armstrong who is on the show.  This season focused alot on abuse within the marriage of  this couple and it was very sad to see how far Taylor was breaking down.  You go to another cast member and you see how she starts spinning out of control due to being an alcoholic.  The others have issues as well but it certainly wasnt anything like these two.

It made me realize that money doesnt stop abuse from happening in a marriage and money doesnt stop someone from becoming an alcoholic.  Do I wish sometimes that I could have just one of their paychecks, yes! Do I wish I could have the drama that they all deal with, NO!  

Money may buy happiness in the form of material things.  When I saved my money for a few years (yes, YEARS) to buy a real Louis Vuitton purse ~ I was happy....I still am!  Do I treat it like gold when I use it ~ for sure!   But what makes me happy about it is that I saved the money.  I didnt just pull a credit card out and bought it because I took dedication and alot of garage sales and mom-to-mom sales to earn the money to buy it.  It did and does make me happy BUT it doesnt give me true happiness.

I get true happiness from being with my family, going to church, being able to sleep in one day, reading a book.  But mostly my happiness comes from having Jesus!  Having Him with me daily, where I go, what I do, what I say...He is with me always.  Once I asked Him to come into my heart to live ~ that was it....He is NOT moving out!  This is where happiness comes from.  Not being invited to the next incredible party, not going and buying the next hottest item ($25,000 pair of sunglasses as one of the girls bragged about).  Not having money to buy whatever.  Some things may not always be what it seems ~ as in Taylor Armstrongs case.  She didnt realize the financial situation her husband was in until after he passed away.   

I hope you will get your happiness from Jesus, from the fact that He can live with you forever and then one day, you can live with Him forever in heaven.  Happiness with material things is substituting something that is missing in your life, possibly, and maybe that something is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

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