"Introducing Me" is a song off the Camp Rock 2 CD and from the movie. I know ~ great...why am I talking about this?! Well, this is a silly, fun song. Its just makes you smile when you hear it! For me, it has special meaning. It takes me back to a time in our life that wouldnt normally make someone smile!
When Emily was in ICU and on her vent, this was the time when The Jonas Brothers...well, they were the Justin Beiber at that time. They were IT in Emily's world....especially Joe Jonas! One day, I came into Emilys room...I believe after I ate lunch. Her hands were still restrained (basically velcro straps holding her arms down by her side so she wouldnt attempt to pull her vent out). She tried to lift her hands as much as possible to show me something she received. When I sat down and looked what she had...it was a picture of the Jonas Brothers that one of the Child Life Specialist brought to her. You could see her smile even though there was tape all over her mouth because of the vent! I promised her I would buy her a picture frame to put it in so she could see it and that is what I came back with the next day! That picture proudly sat where she could see it daily!
When the DVD and CD came out for Camp Rock 2, I got up early to run to Target before my Dad came to get me for the hospital. I packed everything so I could surprise her when I got there. The smile on her faced just beamed with joy when she saw her surprise and we had to watch the DVD over and over again. When we werent watching the DVD we were listening to the CD. Sometimes she had the tv or the cd turned up so loud, we had to close her door so we wouldnt disturb the other patients. One doctor came by and said he understood that he had a daughter too and laughed about it! By this time, Emily earned the trust of the nurses and doctors and they agreed to take the velcro off her arms so she could move them around. When the song "Introducing Me" came on, Emily laughed. Imagine...this sweet little girl, with IV's coming out from all over, a vent coming out of her mouth and she is laughing! There is a part in the song where it goes "do, do, do do do do". When she heard that, she laughed more and then told me to sing it. I went along with her because it was making her so happy! Little did I realize how much she was enjoying this. When the doctors came to do the rounds and the room was filled with doctors and some nurses she wanted me to do it again. They were all good sports about listening to me sing it and I dealt with the embarrassment! I was so willing to deal with the little bit of embarrassment to just hear my baby laugh with joy. Im sure some of it was all the good drugs the were pumping into her but still! I had to constantly disappoint her by telling her there was no way possible she could go to the play room so to be able to make her smile and laugh...it was pure joy!
There was another time that also brought great joy to my heart. The ICU nurses are special. They basically live in your room all day until their shift is over. There was one day Emily wanted me to lay with her in her bed. I wanted to so badly but honestly...how could I possibly fit in her bed with her? I was so terrified I was going to hurt her or something worse! She had all these wires coming from everywhere and then this big vent coming out...there is no way this was ever going to happen. Then, our sweet nurse said, "She wants you to lay with her, you can lay with her"! It brought tears to my eyes that she maneuvered everything around so I could carefully lay in bed with her. A situation that was so stressful and emotional ~ she (the nurse) allowed a few minutes of bonding time. A few minutes of just normalcy! I meant the world to me.
It amazes me how the Lord is this way too. He never leaves us, He is always there just waiting... waiting for us to call on Him. Waiting to introduce Him to our heart and ask Him to come in. He is the best Medicine, the best Listener, the best Comforter, the best Healer. Just as I longed to lay in bed with Emily for just a moment and longed to hear her sweet laugh ~ Jesus longs to hear you say "Come to my heart to stay". Introduce yourself and your heart to Him ~ He is waiting so patiently for you!
~ As a side note, the girl in this video...she looks like Emily's first nurse she had when went into ICU that morning. Her name is ~ Emily!
I enjoy reading your blog. God is good and always with us Praise His name!