
Monday, January 23, 2012

Its a new week!

It's a new week! After spending last week "purging" a few closets and the books shelf  and my "secret" stash of books, I realized a few things ~ 1. we have way too much "stuff" and I have a huge list of other areas to start purging, 2. I didnt blog at all last week and 3. my addiction to buying books slapped me in the face!  There is no more denying that one anymore!

But as we start a new week its like getting a second, a third, a 52nd chance at starting over.  Make good on the list we didnt complete off the "honey do list", start over on that diet we just cant seem to stick too, start over that exercise program, start over ....

It amazes me though at how fast the days, the week goes by.  We have this routine here...Mondays for me is my "break" where its just Ben and I and we tend to relax a little bit more on Monday mornings and it hits me that Awana is just in a couple days and I need to start helping Emily with her verses!  Tuesday is usually the day for grocery shopping or our trip to Target (!!!!), Wednesdays I am freaking out now because the week is half over, Emily has Awana and I still have a huge list to accomplish for the week and by Thursday well, it feels like giving up on the list since now the week is almost over!  Friday well....that is laundry day.  The dreaded laundry.  I dont mind washing the clothes or even folding them but for some reason I just detest putting the clothes away.  Crazy, I know!  Than Saturdays...Saturdays is when I realize we will be starting the whole thing over again, Saturday is when I realize after Emily has taken her night medicine that I need to go and refill her medicine for her for the week.  The realization that what was meant to be accomplished hasnt been and that a new week is starting.....again!
This is Emily's medicine she takes daily each morning. There are 8 pills for each morning.

This is her medicine she takes each night.  The two bigger ones is her Chemo that she takes in the morning too.

 When I think of how easily our schedule can change from day to day ~ some things expected (like a dentist appointment) and other things unexpected (like the day I had to call 911), the only thing that never changes is God!  This reminds me of a song by Heather Williams called "God is still God".  In an ever changing world it is awesome to know that God is still God.  He doesnt change, He is always there and always will be!  He is the one thing that is for certain from day to day, week to week, year to year.  He is the one thing that we can be assured of and that adds such peace to my life, in my crazy changing life.

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