When "American Idol" first came out, I would sit down and watch it with the kids. I think we all thought it was funny some of the people that auditioned for the judges ~ obviously it makes it good tv or they wouldnt have lasted this long! I must say though, as the seasons go on, the thrill of watching the show has worn off. It hasnt made it to the "DVR priority" list of my "tv land". The first few years it was fun, interesting and surprising at how well some of these kids could sing. But think about it ~ its called "American IDOL". What does that word mean to you? To me, it means it takes priority in your life, it is meant to be worshiped and looked up to. But isnt that what we are suppose to do to God? I mean are we suppose to worship Him or idol's? the Bible clearly states that we are NOT to have any other gods.
Dont we all, to some degree, have other gods? I mean we may not pray to them or praise them but if we allow things to consume our lives where the Lord is being pushed out, isnt that other gods? I admit that sometimes instead of doing my devotions during the day I have sat down to read a book. Even though the book is by a christian author....I am still putting the book before Gods Book!
My alarm went off and the song that was playing on it was "He wants it all today" by Forever Jones and it speaks about letting go of your idols and giving it all to Him. Your life, your heart, your everything! I feel so blessed to have a christian husband and to be going to a church that preaches the gospel (heaven AND hell), I feel so blessed to know that two of my kids have asked Jesus in their heart and HE has saved them. I look forward to the day when Benjamin is old enough to understand the plan of salvation and he, too, makes the incredible decision to spend eternity in heaven!
Maybe today re-examine your life and see what idols you have in place. Is it the tv? a book? food? is it shopping? Or is the Idol you have the only Idol you will ever need?
I have attached the song and I hope you enjoy it.
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