
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Are you Tebowing?

Those of you that know me, know I do NOT enjoy watching sports on TV.  I will go to any game but to sit down in front of the TV and watch sports - that's not what I call fun!  Saying that, I do know who Tim Tebow is.  I mean, really....if you lived under a shell, Im sure you would still know who the guy is.

I think he has become so known for not his football (yes, I even knew that ~ although I did have to look up what team he played for!) but for what is now known has "Tebowing".  My hat is off to the guy though...he will get down on one knee and bow his head to pray to God and thank Him.  Give HIM the glory!  I think this has also gotten alot of bad press.  He has been doing this for 6 years and now it seems all of a sudden the press has finally caught on to what he is doing and making a huge deal out of it.  My thoughts ~ make a huge deal out of it.  Why you ask?  Because it means more people are being shown and told about Jesus Christ ~ and in a good way!

It wasnt until I finally sat down to watch my DVR recording from Nightline that he was on from 2/3/12.  When I was watching it, it really hit me and actually brought me to tears.  Funny - maybe ~ but I saw a person...a real person.  Not a football player but a man that is on fire for God.  It doesnt bother him who sees him praying...he just gives all glory to God.

I didn't realize he is a Missionary kid and also that the doctor told his mom that she should abort him.  Can you imagine what the world would be talking about if he wasnt here?  It was so touching to see this interview and actually gave me a bigger respect for him.  He walks the walk.  He walks the walk as a believer.  He doesnt allow peer pressure to get to him.  He believes in purity until marriage.  He is building a school in the Philippines where his parents were missionaries and he gives back.

The part that got to me was how he gives back.  He goes to visit "sick kids" ~ of course a subject close to my heart.  He goes and spends time with cancer patients and gives them hope, puts a smile on their faces and just spends time with them.  He said in the interview that they had just lost their game and he was suppose to go and visit a cancer patient (one, I gathered he visits alot) and he was asked if he still wanted to go ~ his answer was YES!  He couldnt let this child down just because his team had just lost a game.  And he went to spend time with this little boy.

After seeing the interview, it really started to bother me all the negative press he gets. Yes, it may seem to get old to some people about the "Tebowing" but is it really so bad?  I think back to when we were trying to help Emily make a good choice on what type of wish she wanted.  Meeting someone was always at the top of her list ~ even though we knew that would probably not be a good decision as she would be shy and not enjoy it as much as a trip of some sort.  I thought about all the people she admired then.  I sat and thought that years later I would hate for her to regret her decision to meet someone considering how their life may have turned out ~ she then chose the Disney cruise ~ perfect choice in my eyes!

But seriously...look at all the role models there are out there.  Half of the singers or actors Emily used to love have been in jail, have DUI's, have been photographed doing drugs or pictures that may not be appropriate.  Here, with Tim Tebow, is a role model we can allow our kids to watch, to model their lives after.  Is it really that bad to have our kids get down on one knee and praise God for what just happened in their life?  Honestly, I would rather see my child do that, save themselves for marriage and live a good God believing life then to have them model other stars that have been in jail, are in rehab for drugs, have a different girlfriend every week, have affairs with multiple people.  

Who do you want your child to have a role model of?  Is it really that bad to have our kids kneel before an amazing God? Is it really that bad to live a life that is an example and a witness for Christ?  There is no doubt that Tim lives a life serving the one true God ~ I know I want my kids to admire a "star" like him!

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