
Friday, February 8, 2013

The blessing jar

How full is your jar?  What did you do with the money saved in it?  

For those that have been reading my blog, may remember me talking about how I pick up pennies when I find themFor those of you who dont remember ~ I do!  If we are in a store, outside...I dont care where we are but if I see a penny (even other forms of money) and I find it ~ I placed that in a jar that sits on my counter.  The money that is found ~ it usually happens at a time when I am worried about something.  It is a reminder to me that God is in control of everything and to continue trusting Him!  Last year, I was able to find $4.95.  I know it doesnt sound like alot...but to me ~ it was just a reminder of how much God blessed us last year and continues to bless us.  How much He takes care of us and how He is in control!

So now that you know that, you are probably wondering what I did with that.  Maybe you aren't but I am going to tell you anyway.  No, I didnt take Ben to McDonalds or to Target.  No, I didnt go buy a book on clearance at Barnes & Noble.  What I did though, I gave it to Ben to give as offering.  He went proudly into his classroom with a ziplock full of change (and mostly pennies) and gave his offering.   You maybe wondering what was the point of giving it to church or having Ben doing it.  Well, two things really.  The first being ~ the money wasnt mine!  You maybe saying "You found it, of course its yours".  See thats where I beg to differ.  I feel the Lord put that penney or that dime in the spot where I would find it to remind me of Him.  I feel because HE gave it to me ~ I will be giving it back to Him!  Now you maybe asking why I didnt put the bag of change in the offering plate.  Well, I would have but I give the kids money for offering.  Ben wanted the bag so he got it!  I also feel this is a good way to teach the kids at a young age to give back to God.

Bryan has an awesome job.  I feel blessed for him and his job and also that I can be a stay-at-home mom (with Emilys health - especially in the past this has really benefited us that I was home).  But I also feel that our money is HIS money.    We give our offering every month.  We support our missions every month but I also like to try and give back in other ways as well.  The kids dont see me writing out check out for the church.  Even if they did it wouldnt mean as much to them.  When Ben took in that bag of change - the smile on his face to be giving with a happy heart - giving joyfully - thats what mattered!  When the kids see my jar on the counter - it is a tool that can be used to explain how much the Lord has blessed us.  When we take diapers and food over to the food bank we donate too ~ this is where they can see it.  This is where I can explain to them how the Bible states it better to give!

I feel so blessed to have this jar.  I feel so blessed to be able to speak and teach my kids about giving back and the blessings we are given.  I feel so blessed to be able to teach and talk to my kids about the best gift we have been given ~ eternal life with Jesus!  

What does our jar mean to you?  Do you use it for a teaching tool?  Next time your son or daughter asks you what the jar is for how will you answer them?      

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