
Monday, January 2, 2012

A day at the spa!!

Wouldn't we all just love a day at the spa after all the CHRISTmas shopping, New Years parties, etc?  Today, I got my "day at the spa".  I know this sounds crazy but today, I got to go grocery shopping ~ ALL BY MYSELF!  I know this doesnt sound like fun, but it honestly was!  It was so relaxing being able to go to the store and not hear "Mom, can I get this" or "Mom, he's hitting me" or simply just chasing my 3 year old (Ben) around.  Even though it took me from start to the end of checking out 1.5 hours ~ it still cut about 45 min. off my "normal" grocery shopping time.  Just shows me that  I spend that much time chasing after Ben, or getting after the other kids or finally giving in and buying a toy ~ that, honestly, they really dont need and it would be in the a couple days!  So, thank you to my husband (and TV land for all the football games) for keeping my husband home and the kids so I could have my "day at the spa"!   

To be honest, this actually was really unexpected!  I was on my way to one of my favorite places in Woodhaven  ~ TARGET ~ and when i got there, everyone (including employees) were being evacuated because of a gas leak.  There were police cars all over the place.  I feel this was God's intervention ~ He knew i would spend too much!

This was my day and I feel blessed today!  I have a great husband who, even though he is watching football, didnt mind having the kids home with him and i was able to have a break.  I have some amazing kids, even though they do drive me nuts, especially at the store!  I feel extra blessed for the way the Lord has had His hand on me and protected me in ways i see but also havent seen!   Today I feel blessed to have my husband be "the bad guy" and needing to get after Emily about her medicine.  Its nice when i can get a break from that too!

As I get more into the "blog thing", I will get into more detail about Emily and her life with HLH (obviously since thats the name of my blog) but I wont deal with it every day as even sometimes, this is my way of getting a "break" from her illness!

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog about my cousin Dawn ~ she has an awesome blog going too.  She writes for The Wordsmith Journal and her blog is "You are not alone" ~ honestly, she is really *AMAZING* .  I am adding a link to her site so you can check her out.  You will be inspired by how the Lord moves in her writing and her life.  She has dealt with so much.  She has taught me so much. You will be so moved ~ I encourage you to read it!

So, until next time ~ find what you can be thankful for and count as your "Day at the spa"!
Saved by HIM,


  1. So glad you had your day 'at the spa'. You need more of those days.

  2. I agree with Dorothy and it was a "day at the spa" for me to read this and to be reminded of how much our great God cares about the little things in our lives.

  3. I'm so happy for you. I know what you mean. Sometimes the best "spa" is just some time away from the day-to-day stuff and the kiddos.

    God knew what you needed, and provided!
